Introduction to Data Science with Python

Learn the basics of data science by preparing, analysing and visualising data using Python.

It's been called the sexiest job of the 21st century. But what's involved in data science? And what makes it so sexy?!

In this course we will provide a hands-on introduction to data science using Python.

This course is ideal for those taking their first steps in exploring data science for as a career, for those working with data scientists or those just wanting to understand this fascinating field.

Course Outline


For the technically competent beginner You should be technically confident, but may or may not have any programming experience.

Suitable For

Adults and Teenagers


Learn the basics of data science by preparing, analysing and visualising data using Python.


Introduction to Data Science

We will take a brief look at what data science is and some typical data science applications.

Being a Data Scientist

We will look at what data scientists do, the skills they need and the tools they use.

The Machine Learning Process

You will work through a small example project using an "unplugged" paper-based approach, understanding the process for organising and executing a typical machine learning task. You will then repeat this task on a computer using Python.

Build more Machine Learning Techniques

Building on the first exercise, you will learn new techniques such as classification, regression, and evaluating algorithms using the Python.

Acquiring and Cleaning Data

You will learn how to collect data and how to clean it and manipulate it into the right format for processing using Python.

Data Visualisation

You will learn how to use various visualisation techniques to understand the data.

Data Science Challenge

We will look at some typical data science questions. You will work individually or collaboratively on a specific challenge, and investigate and report back your findings.


10 hours (usually over 2 days)


Prices depend on location. See individual dates for details.

Skills you will pick up in the course

Key skill categories

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to


Note that the course content may vary slightly from location to location. Please check the external link the exact course content.

Thu 25 Jul 24 to Fri 26 Jul 24

2 days 10:00AM-4:00PM

University of Arts London

External Link

Thu 08 Aug 24 to Fri 09 Aug 24

2 days 10:00AM-4:00PM

University of Arts London

External Link

This course can be customised and delivered for your group or organisation. Email me with your requirements and I will get back to you.

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